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Experimenting with biodiversity


The challenge is to transform the way in which we relate to nature. Fundación Global Nature has been working for decades to improve this relationship and to implement new measures to conserve biodiversity in, for example, in agricultural enclaves. With this ambitious objective in mind, the organisation has taken another step forward.

El Silo de la Abuela is a farm in the heart of La Mancha steppe, which aims to be a space for practice and learning. Based on organic crops, this farm of just over 10 hectares located in the municipality of Villacañas (Toledo), will be the centre for experimenting with good practices that help to maintain and promote biodiversity. This will make it possible to move towards sustainability in the agricultural sector, with specific work being conducted on agro-environmental management for arable crops, both rain-fed and irrigated.

El Silo de la Abuela is located between two SPAs (Special Protection Areas for Birds), the SPA Área Esteparia de la Mancha Norte and the SPA Humedales de La Mancha, making it a natural passageway for various species, which find a place to rest and feed there. From bustards, stone martins, kestrels to Montagu's harriers.

For FGN it is essential to be an example of agri-environmental practices, to promote them and to create knowledge that allows it to continue. This important commitment is part of the framework for collaboration with Aramco Europe, which has enabled the acquisition of two agricultural plots that together cover a little more than 10 hectares.

El Silo de la Abuela is already in operation and is one of the pilot plots participating in the Agricultural Biodiversity Observatory (OBA).

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