Existing suppliers
This section contains various forms, instructions, and specifications (documents) referenced in Aramco Overseas Company BV. (Aramco Europe) Requests for Quotation, Purchase and Change Orders, and Purchase Agreements (procurement documents).
The information may be viewed, downloaded or printed for your use only in connection with procurement documents you receive from Aramco Europe. By accessing the documents, you acknowledge that you are a Supplier to Aramco Europe and that you are only accessing this site for the previously authorized purpose.
You further acknowledge that the documents made available through this site are the property of Aramco Europe and/or the Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco) and are provided solely for Aramco Europe’s use and convenience in dealing with its Suppliers and potential Suppliers.
It is your responsibility to ensure that your computer has adequate virus protection features to protect to you from any computer defects or viruses that could arise from your use of this site or any associated hyperlinks. Aramco Europe takes no responsibility for any reproduction or other copy of these forms and documents which differs in any way from the forms and documents published on this site.
Aramco Europe reserves the right to, in its sole discretion and without notice, liability or obligation, to add to, modify, remove or correct any portion of this site or the forms contained thereon.
Please contact the Aramco Europe Buyer if you cannot locate the required documents or have any questions concerning these documents.
Terms & conditions
Per April 2022 Aramco Europe renewed its Purchase Terms and Conditions. These apply to all Aramco Europe procurement documents as of this date. A copy Aramco Europe's Purchase Terms & Conditions is automatically included in Aramco Europe's procurement documents and can be downloaded using the link below.
Aramco Purchasing Terms & Conditions, International (PDF, 168KB)Information for existing suppliers
Document containing information of Aramco procedures, requirements and expectations for existing suppliers.
Request for shipping instructions
When you are required to submit a Request for Shipping (RSI) to Aramco Europe, the RSI can be downloaded using the link below.
Aramco Request for Shipping Instructions (XLSX, 52KB)
Packing specification
The packing specification guides below apply to all parts and components being delivered to Aramco and are a practical guide-line for the optimization of increasing material flow and transportation.
Our procurement documents indicate which Packing Specifications are applicable to the Goods.
Packing Specifications with prefix SA or MS and Packing Specifications without a prefix, as mentioned in Aramco Europe's procurement documents, are all the same and can be found by using only the numbers. The Packing Specifications can be found below.
8314-00 - 8314-11 (updated November 2020)
8314-00 | 8314-01 | 8314-02 | 8314-03 | 8314-04 | 8314-05 | 8314-06 | 8314-07 | 8314-08 | 8314-09 | 8314-10 | 8314-11
8444-01 - 8444-22 (updated November 2020)
8444-01 | 8444-02 | 8444-03 | 8444-04 | 8444-05 | 8444-06 | 8444-07 | 8444-08 | 8444-09 | 8444-10 | 8444-11 – obsolete | 8444-12 | 8444-13 | 8444-14 | 8444-15 | 8444-16 | 8444-17 | 8444-18 | 8444-19 | 8444-20 | 8444-21 | 8444-22
Spare Parts Data Package (SPDP)
When you are required to supply a Spare Parts Data Package (SPDP) as part of the requirements of a Purchase Order the relevant documents can be downloaded using the links below.
Appendix A: Glossary of Terms (DOCX, 20KB)
Appendix C: Supplier instructions for preparing spare parts data package (DOCX, 20KB)